Free and Best Dental Narratives for Claim submission


Narrative for D2740, D2750

(Indicate if it is an initial placement or a replacement)

Initial placement – Initial placement. Prep date: (Date) seat date: (Date) Tooth#__ been destroyed By caries/fracture and requires crown to support tooth.

For Replacement – Prep date(Date) Seat Date(Date) Improper/poorly fitting EXISTING crown open margins, recurrent decay, the tooth requires full coverage support and favorable prognosis, patient has no symptoms. Prior placement on (date)

Attachment – Pre Op and Post op X-rays

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Crowns – Decay :

Narrative for crown on decay

• More than 1/2 of the tooth structure is missing/affected due to caries, Crown needed to support Tooth#__.

Attachment – Pre Op and Post op X-rays

Core buildup on Crown :

Narrative for D2950

Large caries that is present on Tooth#__. Only 40% of tooth structure remaining. Caries is more then ½ occlusal surface with unsupported enamel. Crown is needed to support the tooth.

Attachment – Pano, BTW, X-rays

Crown with core build-up due to (composite/amalgam) failed:

Narrative for crown with core build up

Initial placement of a crown on Tooth#__ due to large old composite or amalgam filling that is broken & recurrent decay. less than 50% natural tooth left. A build-up & crown is necessary to properly restore the tooth.

Attachment – Pre Op and Post op X-rays

Crown – Implant:

Narrative for crown on implant

Tooth#__ was extracted on (date). A surgical implant was placed to replace the missing tooth on (date). Implant crown and custom abutment were placed for patient to eat and chew properly.

Attachment – Pre Op and Post op X-rays

Redo Crown or Core Build-up:

Narrative for crown restoration

Initial Placement was done on (Date) Tooth#__ , New Crown restoration and build-up needed to support Tooth#__ due to excessive decay and margin opening.

Attachment – Pre Op and Post op X-rays

Crown lengthening :

Narrative for D4249

Crown lengthening needed on Tooth#__ due to improper biological width. Without the procedure, the crown margin would have been placed too close to the bone.

Attachment – Pre Op and Post op X-rays

Labial Veneers :

Narrative for D2961, D2962

Large missing or damaged Enamel, or incisal, facial surfaces require coverage due to lack of support/structure, the only alternative would be a crown, DDS diagnosed least invasive procedure. Favorable prognosis and the patient has no further symptoms

Attachment – Pre Op and Post op X-rays


Narrative for Bridge

Bridge prepped site Tooth#__ and Tooth#__ was extracted on (date) or (cognitively missing). To preserve the site and occlusal plane. Favorable prognosis and the patient has no further symptoms.

(D6548 – Dental code for wing or retainer
D6245 – Dental code for Porcelain)

Attachment – Pre Op and Post op X-rays

RCT – Crown:

Narrative for RCT

Large caries that is present on Tooth#__. A RCT was provided along with the core buildup. An initial crown is needed to support the tooth. Impressions taken on(date) Seat date on (date). X-rays attached to claim

Attachment – Pre Op and Post op X-rays

Root Canals:

Narrative for D3346, D3347, D3348

Patient has irreversible pulpitis. Root canal is indicated because of pain


Gross decay into the nerve and Root Canal performed unto the pulp and apex of the tooth, all decay removed, build up space will be required. Favorable prognosis and the patient has no further symptoms.

Attachment – Pre Op and Post op X-rays

Prefabricated Stainless Steel Crown:

Narrative for D2930, D2931


Stainless steel Crown placed on Tooth#__ to restore the tooth decay for longer term effectiveness in preventing recurrent caries.

Attachment – Pre and Post op X-rays

Periodontal Maintenance Treatment:

Narrative for D4910 –

Previous SRP was done one (Date) on UR and LR

Attachment – (Mostly no need attachments) Periodontal Chart, X-rays


Narrative for D4341 – 4 or more teeth,

D4342 – 1-3 teeth

, D4346

(Remember to check if insurance pays 2 quads per day or all squads on same day before Tx Planning)

(Must include time spent on SRP, Needs to state that cleaning was more than 2 Hours, Each Quad should be calculated 45 minutes for E.g. if 4 quads mention 180 mins)

  • Patient presents with clinical attachment loss of 2-5 mm generalized throughout mouth. Active infection indicated with generalized bleeding upon probing. Treatment duration for all 2 quads finished within 90 minutes. X-rays and Perio chart attached.

Attachment – Periodontal Chart, X-rays

Full Mouth Debridement:

Narrative for D4355 –

Full Mouth Debridement is necessary to remove heavy build-up of plaque and calculus in order to perform a comprehensive examination in the future.

Attachment – Periodontal Chart, X-rays

Osseous Surgery:

Narrative –

Needed to disinfect the root surface and to prevent further bone loss.

Attachment – X-rays

Bone Graft Replacement:

Narrative for D4263, D4264, D4265 –

Needed to support new attachment and to promote bone regeneration.

Attachment – X-rays


Narrative –

Gingivectomy is necessary due to excision of the soft tissue wall surrounding a gum pocket in Tooth#__.

Attachment – X-rays

Removable Prosthetics

Narrative for D5213, D5214


Prosthetic needed to replace missing Tooth#__,__,__. Teeth have been missing for over 6 years according to patient-extracted due to deep decay and pain.


Prosthetic will replace missing Tooth#__,__,__. Teeth extracted over 10 years ago patient according to patient.

Attachment – Pano, X-rays

Ridge Preservation

Narrative for D7953


Tooth#__ was extracted on (Date). I determined the tooth not salvageable due to infection and a vertical fracture onto the root structure on the mesial. After discussing this with the the socket that would have destroyed any healing that had occurred

Attachment – Any X-rays

Simple Extraction

Narrative for D7140


No Narrative and No Attachment needed. Considered as basic.

Surgical Extraction

Narrative for D7210


Remove bone to extract Tooth#__ due to it being broken down. Endo


Remove bone to extract Tooth#__ due to it being difficult to extract. Placed gut Sutures after surgery..

(Must indicate bone was removed for extraction)

Attachment – X-rays

Narrative for D5110, D5210:


Maxillary or Mandibular for the replacement of missing teeth necessary for Pt to chew and masticate tooth properly extracted on (Ext Date)

Narrative for dentures –

Initial or replacement (Date). (Ext Date). (Impression Date)and (delivery Date). missing teeth#__.

(if replacement denture include the initial date of delivery for prior dentures)

Narrative for replacement denture –

Missing teeth#__, date of prior placement(date), replacement due to unrestorable. Impression date and delivery date.               

Attachment – X-rays

Narrative for D9310:


No Narrative Needed.

Attachment – X-rays

Narrative for D7220, D7230:


Due to condition of tooth an extraction was provided on Tooth#__

Attachment – X-rays

Narrative for D7320:


No Narrative Needed.

Attachment – X-rays

Narrative for D2700:


It is an initial placement (Add Initial placement date).

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D3110Pulp Cap / RCT:


Due to condition of teeth #__ and __, pulpotomies were provide

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D3120-Pulp cap:


Decay through dentin on mesial of Tooth#__. Decay removed and composite filling material placed (Date).

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D6740 – Retainer Crown:


An Initial Bridge Is Needed for Teeth #__,__,__. Impressions on (Date) and seat date on (Date). (if no Seat Dt mention a date After three weeks date.)

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D2920:


Large unsupported tooth with previous RCT on Teeth#__. Crown needed to support Tooth#__.

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D2940:


protective restoration

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D7250:


Root left of Tooth#__, causing Pt pain and discomfort. Root of Tooth#__ extracted (Date).

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D8680:


After initial consultation, Orthodontic treatment is recommended for an estimated amount of 18 months. Bond date on (Date) Monthly visits and adjustments as needed.

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D9951Occlusal:


Acute bruxism and occlusal wear with head, neck and jaw pain. Occlusal guard diagnosed with favorable prognosis.       

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D2392:


Recurring decay under existing mesial composite filling. Decay removed and composite filling placed (Date). (DOS)

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D9944:


Pt std that she is grinding her teeth at night. Occlusal guard recommended to help reduce strain on teeth. Impressions taken for occlusal guard (Date).

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D8670Orthodontic :


After initial consultation, Orthodontic treatment is recommended for an estimated amount of 18 months. Bond date on (Date) Monthly visits and adjustments as needed


Routine ortho maintenance. Changed ortho wires on upper and lower, added bumper sleeve to start moving upper and lower teeth.

Checked movement and placed new O-ring on upper left.  

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D9110:


Adjustments made on existing dentures in office to Pt comfort.

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D3310-Endodontic:


Gross decay into the nerve and root canal performed unto the pulp and apex of the tooth, all decay removed, build up space will be required.

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D7999Oral Surgery:


Due to gross decay Tooth#__ required extraction to preserve sight and surrounding teeth.

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D9230:


Analgesia needed to reduce anxiety.

Nitrous required for dental treatment due to patient’s severe gag reflex and anxiety.

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for Replacement Crown:


Existing crown over 20 years old- Jan 2002 was prior placement. RCT treated tooth – Open margins with re decay. fmx and pano attached.  prep date (Date) seat date (Date)

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D6065-Implant:


Implant placed at site Tooth#__ of which was extracted on (Ext Date).

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D9999:


PPE per levels required by the CDC for transmission-based precautions.

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D9999:


PPE per levels required by the CDC for transmission-based precautions.

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D8030:


Estimated length of treatment is 12months.

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D3320:


Infection forming at the apex. Root canal therapy Tx started (Date).

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D9972:


External Bleaching-Per Arch-Performed In Office

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D4323:


Trauma on Tooth#__ needing splint for Tooth#__,__,__

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D7311, D7310:


Removal of excess bone for denture delivery – fmx and pano attached extracted UR Tooth#__,__,__,__ and UL extractions Tooth#__,__,__,__

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D6240:


An initial upper bridge was provided so that patient can eat properly. Impressions on (Date) and seat date on (Date).

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D2954:


Removed decay on tooth- possible root canal needed- fmx and pano attached.

Attachment – X-rays

Narratives for D2391:


Recurring decay under existing mesial composite filling. Decay removed and composite filling placed (Date)

Attachment – X-rays